The Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute
“We need Vedic certification, certification beyond organic, for those really wanting the highest quality of food in their lives. Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute was founded for that purpose. ”
Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute was founded under the inspiration and guidance of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the full moon day of Guru Purnima, July 17, 2000.
The Institute was founded to promote Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture throughout the world through five channels of activity:
Educational programmes to promote the knowledge of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture;
Implementation and management of Vedic Agriculture procedures;
Research to verify the effectiveness of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture to create the world’s purest and most vital foods;
Certification of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture farms; and
Quality assurance for all Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture products and programmes.
The Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute has been founded to re-enliven Natural Law in the profession of agriculture. The Institute will promote and certify pure Organic and Vedic Organic food—food that is not only free from harmful chemical residues and genetic modification, but, in the case of Vedic Organic, food that is lively in the full intelligence of Natural Law–food that is grown in accordance with the ancient, time-tested principles of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture.
The Institute will utilize the complete, traditional and scientifically verified knowledge of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture contained in Veda and the Vedic Literature to bring today’s agricultural practices in tune with the fundamental Laws of Nature that govern and nourish our lives. With the full enlivenment of Natural Law, the farmers in every country will grow pure and nourishing food for the whole world family. (See the Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute Brochure or the knowledge section of this Web site for more details).
Organic Agriculture, the Foundation of Vedic Organic Agriculture
The Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture program incorporates in its farming practices the most rigorous existing policies and standards for the production of pure organic food as provided in National Organic Standards of every nation.
Organic agriculture is a term used to include systems of agriculture that support the healthy and life supporting production of food through environmentally and socially sound production methods. Organic farmers adhere to globally accepted life supporting principles that are implemented in local economic, climatic, and cultural settings. Organic farming generally promotes health in the farmer, the food, and the environment. It uses methods that respect and uphold the natural capacity, well-being, and vitality of plants, animals, and the landscape.
Research studies indicate that organic farming produces food of a higher quality with more nutrients than conventional agriculture.
“However, at Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute we feel there are deeper & more comprehensive principles that must be introduced into agriculture to ensure our food supply is reliable, sustainable, and of the highest quality. In Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture, we want the totality of Natural Law to be enlivened in agriculture.”
These new principles produce the best quality food while maintaining a high quality of life for the farmer. The Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Program is described in its completeness in the Institute Publication, Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute: Consciousness Based Agriculture and Environmental Management.
Farmers following the principles of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture will rise to higher consciousness and live life in harmony with all the Laws of Nature. They will use recitation and knowledge of the sounds of Veda and the Vedic Literature–the sounds of Natural Law itself–to enliven the inner intelligence of the plants and livestock. The result will be good fortune for the farmer, plants bursting with the vitality of Nature’s intelligence, and a healthy environment for the farmer to produce an abundance of life supporting food.
Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture will bring fulfillment to the organic farming movement by enlivening Natural Law in the awareness of the farmer. This enlivenment will vitally nourish the link between the farmer, his crops, and the Laws of Nature at the basis of his profession and will bring the support of those Laws of Nature to ensure success in all aspects of the farmer’s life. It will ensure success in all aspects of the food-growing process.
For more information, please see the Knowledge section of this website.
Ministry of Agriculture Global Country of World Peace
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Global Country of World Peace and its parent and affiliated organizations will be the custodian of the Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Vedic Procedures of Farming and Environmental Management®. These proprietary Vedic Procedures represent the knowledge of Vedic Agriculture as cognized and revived by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. These are purely Vedic Technologies, which have the power to enliven the full value of Natural Law — the complete range of Natural Law — in the farmer, the food, and the environment.
The Ministry of Agriculture will support Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture Institute in managing and guiding Vedic Agriculture projects around the world by providing guidance and knowledge to ensure the purity and success of those projects.