Procedures & Practices of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture
The knowledge and procedures of the Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture program can be applied to extend and enhance the traditional and modern methods of organic farming in a variety of ways.
By using the Maharishi Vedic Farming methodologies—time-tested methods of farming from the Veda and the Vedic Literature—Vedic farmers increase soil fertility, crop growth and vitality, while naturally managing diseases and pests, and enhancing appropriate water availability.
The farming procedures and programs of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture (MOVA) have their basis in both the traditional and modern methods of natural, organic farming found in every culture. This connection to tradition ensures balance and harmony with the local laws of Nature lively in that area. The time-tested nature of these practices also assures us that the methods will result in sustainable agriculture.
Farmers participating in the MVOA programs practice the Maharishi Vedic Technologies of Consciousness— the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program—whereby the farmer rises to his full potential as a farmer, spontaneously enlivening Natural Law in his own awareness and in his environment. The full mental, physical, and professional development is the very heart of Vedic farming, because it enhances the support of Nature that can only be gained by living in tune with Natural Law.
Vedic farmers also use the sounds of Veda and the Vedic Literature—the sounds of Natural Law itself—to enliven Natural Law in the farming environment, and thereby directly enliven the holistic and specific Laws of Nature responsible for the growth of his crops. This application of the organizing intelligence of Nature itself is done through the Maharishi Vedic Recitation Program or Maharishi Yagya Program, whereby the Vedic farmer uses trained Maharishi Vedic Pandits to enliven the full creative intelligence of Natural Law in the plants and animals, and to balance the environment to such an extent that it can avert dangers that have not yet come.
These are practical, developmental programs, easy to learn and practice of a daily basis, and proven to be the most effective programs available for the personal development of the farmer and his family, and for balancing the fundamental components of the environment in any agricultural system.
As presented above, the knowledge of Veda and the Vedic Literature, as brought to light and understood from a scientific perspective by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his Vedic Science and Technology, identifies a single, universal source of all orderliness in Nature. In Vedic Science, this source of orderliness, which physics calls the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature, is experienced as the simplest form of man’s awareness, the Self-referral level of human consciousness, the transcendental field of consciousness, our own inner-Self.
“Most importantly, Maharishi, in his Vedic Science, has not only identified the Unified Field of Consciousness, but has made it accessible to everyone in their own self-referral awareness through the practice of the Transcendental Meditation® (TM) program & the TM-Sidhi® Program.”
Through the TM and TM-Sidhi Program, everyone can directly experience Transcendental Consciousness, and identify his awareness with the self-referral Unified Field of Natural Law, where Veda–the totality of Natural Law–is eternally lively.
This singular discovery of a method to experience the Unified Field of all the Laws of Nature and how they arise from consciousness makes it possible for every farmer to rise to higher Consciousness (Vedic Consciousness), and make the unlimited creative potential of Veda–total Natural Law–lively within themselves.
Farmers have simply to experience the Unified Field of Consciousness, morning and evening through the Maharishi Vedic Technologies of Consciousness, and they will enliven Natural Law in their awareness, and increase the support of Natural Law for themselves and their environment.
“This discovery of the link between the farmer’s awareness and Natural Law has tremendous practical application in the field of agriculture, as it gives us a direct means within the awareness of the farmer to enliven the Laws of Nature responsible for growth and balance in Nature.”