Veda & the Unified Field of Natural Law
“Agriculture in perfect harmony with Natural Law is the goal of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture.”
Veda is a Sanskrit term meaning knowledge, complete knowledge of Natural Law, the fundamental intelligence of Nature which administers everything in creation, from the farmer’s physiology, to the seed and soil and weather, and the whole ever-expanding universe.
The expression “Natural Law” refers to all the Laws of Nature discovered by the modern sciences: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, etc., including the laws that structure life at the individual and social levels, and which maintain order in the universe. “Natural Law” refers to the integrated, balanced, and holistic functioning of all the Laws of Nature.
In the past 200 years, modern science has systematically revealed deeper layers of Nature’s functioning. Progressive discoveries by such leading scientists as Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Dirac, Pauli, Planck, Einstein, Feynman, Hawking, Weinberg and Hagelin in the fields of quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, string theory, M-theory, quantum gravity and many others, have revealed more and more fundamental levels of Nature’s functioning, where all the diverse forces and particles are continually found to be more and more unified, ultimately leading to one unified theory of all the Laws of Nature.
This universal source of all orderliness identified by modern physics has within itself all the diverse Laws of Nature governing life at every level. Modern science has thus identified one holistic, self-interacting, self-sustaining unified field at the basis of all the immense diversity of Natural Law expressed in creation. This field is the total potential and the total intelligence of Natural Law.
The knowledge of Veda and the Vedic Literature, as brought to light and understood from a scientific perspective by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his Vedic Science and Technology, also identifies a single, self-referral, universal source of all orderliness in Nature. In Vedic science, we experience this source of orderliness as the most fundamental level of human Consciousness, the simplest form of man’s awareness, our own SELF.
The description of the Laws of Nature from the perspective of modern science and the description of Veda and the Vedic Literature provided by Maharishi’s Vedic Science is identical. These two great traditions of knowledge—objective and subjective, modern and ancient—uphold one another and together rejoice in providing humankind with the necessary and timely knowledge of Natural Law.
This unique understanding also gives us a method to experience the Laws of Nature and to make them lively within ourselves. We have simply to enliven Veda and the Vedic Literature in our awareness and we automatically enliven Natural Law in ourselves and in the environment. This discovery has tremendous practical application in the field of agriculture, as it gives us a direct means, within the awareness of the farmer, to enliven the laws of Nature responsible for plant growth.
The Unified Field Chart for Agriculture, presented below, serves as a visual educational tool to clearly illustrate the common source of physical creation (seen on the right side of the chart) and the source of our subjective experiences (seen on the left side of the chart). On the right we see expressed the world of fundamental forces and subatomic particles. These interact to become atoms, molecules, plants, animals, man, extending to the whole environment. The left side of the chart presents our subjective lives, including our thoughts, feelings, and pure consciousness as the full range of our awareness that we experience in the practice of the Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness used in Vedic farming: the Transcendental Meditation® and TM-Sidhi programme.
The Unified Field Chart for Agriculture
Caption: The chart shows the relationship between the subjective and objective approach of gaining knowledge of Natural Law. In both cases we see that Nature is structured in layers where the more expressed layers have their foundation in deeper and more unified layers. At the level of the Unified Field the intelligence and organizing power of Nature is maximum. For a complete understanding of Maharishi’s Unified Field chart for agriculture please see the Consciousness-Based Agriculture and Environmental Management.
The Unified Field Chart for agriculture allows us to see, in one visual field, the whole discipline of agriculture, from both the objective perspective and the subjective perspective, both vertically for its development from subtle to gross, and horizontally in its comparison and parallelism of subjective and objective as expressed in the Grower, the Process of Growing and the Grown. Maharishi saw this comprehensive perspective as essential, as expressed in the following quote:
Without reference to the transcendental basis of life, all knowledge of life always remains incomplete—without reference to wholeness, parts will always remain undefined.
This singular understanding and experience of a unified source of both the objective world and the subjective world of our inner thoughts and feelings, provides us with the knowledge and methodology to both understand the Laws of Nature, and to make them lively within ourselves and within the environment. We have simply to enliven Veda or Natural Law in our awareness, and we automatically enliven it everywhere, because the basis of our own awareness is the same as the basis of the whole physical creation, the Unified Field.
This discovery has tremendous practical application in the field of agriculture, as it gives us a direct means to comprehensively enliven the Laws of Nature responsible for plant growth and development through the Maharishi Vedic Procedures of Farming and Environmental Management.
This is why agriculture that “agrees” with the culturing intelligence of Total Natural Law is the goal of Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture. By creating an intimate, personal, and interactive relationship with Nature, Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture unites man and Nature—two intelligent, self-organized systems—in a harmonious, open relationship with each other. This unity is a direct and real experience of the Vedic farmer as he continuously cultures his awareness and his environment through the Maharishi Vedic Procedures of Farming.
Maharishi Vedic Organic Agriculture adds the field of Consciousness, the field of Total Natural Law, to every aspect of agriculture. This common foundation is what connects everything, and is therefore the means to enrich the farmer, the soil, the plant, the seed, etc. It takes us well beyond conventional and even organic agriculture practices.
Many of the truly great scientists, the ones who have stood out over the ages, have expressed this type of personal relationship with the natural laws they studied. They pointed out the universal correlation and harmony between our human experience and the harmony that is ever-present in Nature. Albert Einstein spoke of a sympathetic understanding with Nature, a relationship with Nature that came straight from the heart:
Only intuition resting on sympathetic understanding can lead to [the discovery of these laws] ... the daily effort comes from no deliberate intention or programme, but straight from the heart.
Maharishi’s Vedic Science is thus the perfect complement to, and fulfilment of, modern science because Maharishi’s Vedic Science makes the Unified Field a useful, living reality through Maharishi’s programs for the development of Consciousness. (See Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness.)
On its own, modern science has mastered partial and fragmented values of Natural Law. These aspects of Natural Law are specific, useful aspects of Natural Law but they are fragmented–they are pieces of Natural Law. When we apply Natural Law in a fragmented manner, it does produce some results, but it also produces many harmful side effects. It thus does not nourish life holistically. Maharishi’s Vedic Science is a holistic science whose foundation is the Unified Field, and whose application brings holistic nourishment and evolution to life.
“It is through the technologies of Maharishi’s Vedic Science that we align individual life with Natural Law, we align human awareness to the Unified Field within each of us, which we experience as our own Consciousness. We discover & experience that the Unified Field of Consciousness is the basis of all creation, both subjective & objective.”